Kapolres Lumajang Apresiasi Insan Pers di HPN 2024, Pemilu Berjalan Aman


Kapolres Lumajang Apresiasi Insan Pers di HPN 2024, Pemilu Berjalan Aman

Jumat, 01 Maret 2024


Lumajang, At Istana Kuliner Lumajang, Kamis (29/2/2024), Kapolres Lumajang AKBP Mohammad Zainur Rofik, S.I.K., menghadiri tasyakuran Hari Pers Nasional (HPN) 2024 digelar Ikatan Wartawan Lumajang (IWL).

According to the statement made by Polres Lumajang AKBP Mohammad Zainur Rofik, S.I.K., Pers, who is the fourth pillar of democracy, must be upheld in all aspects of bangsa travel as well as in terms of pursuing NKRI objectives.

"Pers as a bridge to four democracies. Saya terima kasih kepada teman-teman wartawan, yang turut menciptakan suasana kondusif, tetap aman dan terkendali saat Pemilu kemarin," akBP M. Zainur Rofik ucapkan.


According to Rofik, in order to navigate the challenges of the digital age, people tend to have many opportunities to create a healthy personal ecosystem.

"We are aware of many issues faced by victims of sexual assault in the digital age. For this reason, polres lumajang persistently works to maintain an adaptable human ekology while also reducing human stress," the statement reads.

It also extends greetings to the National Day that we observe. High-quality journalism, journalism that deviates from negative content, and journalism that challenges

"bahwa peran media memberikan edukasi positif dalam pemberitaan di masyarakat," Jelasnya said.

As a result, the police are confident that they can carry out their duties in a professional and proactive manner, fulfilling their responsibility to the people of Kabupaten Lumajang.

"We hope that everyone can help create a Kamtibmas in the Lumajang Kabulate," she said sadly.

Conversely, IWL Anwar Sanusi highlighted the importance of media in today's world, particularly in terms of disseminating information to the general public.

"Peran media juga sangat penting dalam menentukan situasi di lingkup paling bawah,"ucapnya.

Additionally, Anwar Sanusi expressed his sympathy to the affected parties, TNI-Polri, who have demonstrated their ability to handle a critical situation during the Pemilu 2024 election.

"Kami mengapresiasi atas berjalannya pemilu Sampek detik ini kami menilai bahwa Lumajang dalam kondisi situasi aman,"pungkasnya. (*)